Who Has Access to Your Website?

Who Has Access to Your Website?

I’ve mentioned in previous blogs that the longer I work in this industry, the more obsessed I’ve gotten with security. This still holds true, especially when you consider how often I see vulnerable websites. When I ask a potential client how many people have access to...
4 Reasons to Convert Your Website to HTTPS

4 Reasons to Convert Your Website to HTTPS

Look at the address bar of the website you’re visiting. Do you see a little padlock in front of the web address? If you’re reading this on our blog page, the answer should be yes because Smart Monkey Design’s website is delivered over a secure connection. If anyone...
Why Would Anyone Hack My Website?

Why Would Anyone Hack My Website?

This post isn’t about how a hacker might get into your website, or what you can do about it in the event it happens. This is purely to help you understand WHY you might be a target. As website maintenance providers people often ask us,“Why would anyone want to...
Is Your Website Safe From Hackers?

Is Your Website Safe From Hackers?

The short, brutal answer is no, but let me qualify that statement. NO website is perfectly safe from being hacked. The unfortunate truth about internet security is that the security companies are always trying to play catch-up with the hacker community. The game then,...
The Question Nobody Asks

The Question Nobody Asks

I find there’s an interesting trend among potential clients. Just about everybody asks me about SEO. Most people seem to have at least a passing knowledge of what SEO is and why it’s important. Search Engine Optimization helps get your website higher in the search...
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